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Did you know you can flag iffy stuff with Plus? Adjust limits for Violence & Scariness in your kid's entertainment guide. Join now

Did you know you can flag iffy stuff with Plus? Adjust limits for Sex, Romance & Nudity in your kid's entertainment guide. Join now


Did you know you can flag iffy stuff with Plus? Adjust limits for Language in your kid's entertainment guide. Join now

YouNow Rules & Community Guidelines forbid on-screen substance use, except for alcohol use by users over 21. Because live streaming is unpredictable, it's possible that underage users will use substances during their feeds.

Did you know you can flag iffy stuff with Plus? Adjust limits for Drinking, Drugs & Smoking in your kid's entertainment guide. Join now




不幸的是,YouNow的首席执行官阿迪·赛德曼(Adi Sideman)让网站失败了。这只是我的观点。

YouNow作为一个网站已经失去了任何价值。我认为Adi Sideman每小时需要3-5千名播音员才能收支平衡。每小时1万到2万美元的广播公司开始从广告中获利,而BARS货币用于YouNow,以防止他们陷入困境。在2019年5月16日的8个小时内,你很幸运地得到了500个广播公司。昨天他们有119人。赛德曼先生给人的感觉是,他在某种程度上高于网站的最终用户,因此比他们更好。在购买BlogTV并向我们承诺将保持BlogTV社区完好无损时,这一点已经非常明确了。而且,两个网站的合并立即违背了这一承诺,这样做失去了绝大多数博客电视的忠实社区。要让YouNow成为一项有价值的在线资产,有很多选择可供选择,但西德曼宁愿屈服于他和他的管理团队决定使用的时尚或破碎的商业模式。如果Live的CEO。Me aka LiveMe reads this: My opinion is watch the YouNow site 24/7 for a month and then see of the numbers your research finds matches that of Mr Sideman. And, only after you get real time results make the choice to buy or not. If I ran Live.Me I would not be bothered with `YouNow. This post is only my personal opinion. Heads up parents - kids will broadcast from SCHOOL to this site and maybe other like minded sites. Personally sites should prevent kids from blatantly streaming from school. After all kids are at school not to be streaming online or otherwise not learning. Also, both boys and girls under age 18 showing themselves in clothing that reveals well everything. Who needs to see a 16 year old or 14 year old boy without a shirt on and pants hanging off the tail end? Same for the girls whom try to act all grown up and wear a sport bra showing the midriff area and shorts so short that hair down yonder is visible or the tights are 15 sizes to small and reveal every detail.... Who needs that? The site is massive soft porn using under aged kids as the bait. Please Google: Is watching someone sleep sexual? This is in regards to what is called the #sleepingsquad on YouNow. This so called hash tags allows kids and adults to appear to be sleeping. It is a form of sexual fetish. Like a foot fetish is sexual. In fact someone whom did just show feet ended up being banned for life from YouNow due to the sexual nature of the content being shown. I have countless times told Adi, and moderators as well as did broadcasts showing the results of the Google search asking is it sexual to watch someone sleep. YES> Those people are classified as predictors. Again you need to Google this because your kid(s) could be thinking they are just sleeping and getting fans and followers when really they are attracting sexual predators. Here is the low down as I see it: Say a person is appearing to sleep under a blanket... They could position themselves so that they masturbate while pretending to be sleeping... Could be naked under that blanket, and or getting off knowing they are being watched as they secretly pleasure themselves. As for the viewer watching: they are not seen or heard and they could be watching a 14 year old or 16 year old pleasuring themselves as Adi Sideman and his YouNow provide a perfect place for predictors to stalk unsuspecting prey. I can not state this enough: Watching people sleep is sexual. Google it. IS it sexual to watch people sleep. The time it is not sexual is where you normally expect to encounter someone sleeping. Your kids in bed. Your partner/spouse/boy or girlfriend. So it is not always sexual... However, do you watch your loved ones sleep ONLINE on a so called family friendly and safe site? The idea that not showing one's self online means it is fine to sleep online... Answer is - NO. If people want this type of sexual fetish go to a site for 18 and over where adult content is expected 100%. I have terminated my account on YouNow at this time as the site will be closing soon and or sold, and frankly no one uses the site any longer. All the actual big names and YouTubers have parted wahy long ago now. And, even partners that used to be big on YouNow have mostly left. Countless users parting ways since 2013 when I started. YouNow was started in 2011... And, without a way to play back the loans investors supported Mr. Sideman with, he is not able to secure anymore money to just repeat what he has done... hand it out trying to buy users loyalty without once thinking of other ways to build that trust and loyalty. YouNow, won't have a following of people talking about it years later like we do about BlogTV, Sadly YouNow will fade into obscurity and be forgotten in my opinion.




YouNow是一个允许13岁以上任何人在任何地方进行直播的网站。嗯,规定规定你必须年满13岁,但这并不妨碍年龄较小的孩子广播。YouNow的主要问题是,它充满了试图让年轻女孩在镜头前暴露自己的变态。虽然该网站的审核员确实禁止有不当行为的广播者和观众,但他们还是设法漏掉了大量的违规内容。许多广播员(其中许多是小孩子)会在个人资料页面上显示他们的社交媒体地址,让所有人都能立即访问他们的instagram、snapchat、kik,有时还能访问Facebook和Skype。这使得猎食者可以直接和不受限制地接近你的孩子,除非你自己采取了安全措施。YouNow的另一个问题是,你的排名是基于受欢迎程度而上升的,这可以通过观看你的广播的观众数量来证明。许多年轻和易受影响的女孩已经意识到,乳沟和部分或全裸会吸引男性的注意,从而提高她们的排名。因此,许多女孩不断地在得体和不得体之间徘徊,直到她们被警告或禁止,到那时可能为时已晚。全裸确实偶尔会发生。 YouNow has rules, YouNow has moderators, but YouNow fails to enforce the rules proactively enough to safeguard the interests of your children and that is why I would strongly suggest that you ensure that your children do not use this site. If you feel that I might be exaggerating then please do take a look for yourself. Select a female broadcaster that is showing a fair amount of cleavage and watch the comments from viewers. Then tell me if you want YOUR children exposed to that.


  • 设备iPhoneiPod Touch安卓
  • 定价结构:免费(用户可以购买金条,用来向其他广播公司赠送表情符号风格的礼物。)
  • 发布日期: 2015年3月20日
  • 类别社交网络
  • 主题高中
  • 出版商BNOW Inc .)
  • 版本: 8.3
  • 最低软件要求: iOS 7.0或以上版本;Android 4.0及以上版本
  • 最后一次更新: 2016年7月28日


  • YouTube海报图片






  • 卡通图片的高中letterman的夹克

