





如果你决定读科林Meloy的星星并徘徊在黑暗中你在野外骑!我喜欢这本书很多,它提醒《七宝奇谋》和陌生人的事情与童年的经典故事,一群朋友在一个和平的小镇需要团队打败一些大恶!80年代的怀旧是有趣的以及为读者提供了一些教育将学习的技术和风格的休闲!阿奇和他的朋友们都是伟大的榜样,因为他们展示工作作为一个团队,一起冒着可怕邪恶的环境,支持和照顾彼此,以及仅仅是真正的好朋友。额定这引人入胜的小说我13岁,因为有许多例子的人物妄称神的名,以及有很多突然的暴力的场合。如突然割喉,一个女人被车撞了(后来她的身体被描述),一个字符被一辆车撞倒了,然后扑通一声,虽然他幸存了下来,另一个人物头部猛击在反复了一块石头,有一个场景的声音,身体被一把刀刺穿,和有一个动物一再提到拖动其一半吃尸体。还有其他的实例恐怖但是因为我想保持这个剧透免费(抱歉如果我不成功),我不会去说场景的细节,因为它会破坏的神秘小说。只知道,如果你正在寻找疯狂,令人毛骨悚然,刚才发生了恐怖的时候,这本书是为你!:3)最后,我只给了它三颗星的原因。首先,虽然故事是伟大和节奏很好我有点失望,Meloy并没有真正进入主要人物的关系。我觉得是的,虽然它是表示,他们都是亲密的朋友我觉得就是这样,我只是告诉它。 I wanted to read more about their history together, especially between Archie and Chris, since they're supposed to be the bestest of friends and all. And since Chris is absent for a large part of the story it left me hanging to see their brotherly bond. Second, you know how in a friend group each person has their unique personality and traits? Well, while the characters were great and funny I felt they all just kind of blended into one big blob of personality, all with relatively the same characteristics with a small quirk here and there for each one. My favorite is Max because he seemed to actually be an individual in the group. And finally the third reason, the ending. I won't spoil anything but I was a little let down and confused by it. I don't know if Meloy is writing a sequel for this one but if not then he definitely left it open ended. And I'm not a huge fan of that, there were just some things that I didn't get an answer to as well as a haunting feeling that maybe not everthing's great. As well as a HUGE DARN character fate that left me with SO MANY QUESTIONS!!! Anyway, overall great book, alot of fun to read, I loved his writing style and pacing, Archie was a great main protagonist as well I enjoyed for once how realistically everyone reacted to things! So, if you're up for a try, go for it! I mean this is just one person's opinion, don't let me change your mind!;)

