





总的来说,我喜欢这个游戏,孩子们做的。对我们全家的优点完全大于缺点。我是一个舞者很长一段时间,我怀疑可能是一个更关键部分的游戏,一个普通人不可能。我也往往是一个沉重的批判的一切。我轻易不给4星。优点:——这个游戏非常有趣和令人耳目一新的变化来划定的视频游戏。丰富多彩,有趣,和乐观!——我爱我的孩子们想要玩这个,做所有的动作。——有各种各样的歌曲,但大多数都是乐观的和愚蠢的歌曲/移动。——许多舞蹈风格混合和varried。-很多国际风味的歌曲用法语,西班牙语,韩语(?),等。国际舞蹈影响也很明显——宝莱坞风格,部落元素,非洲舞蹈、古典、流行、嘻哈等。——舞蹈是通过先进的标签容易。 You can unlock new songs by completing and leveling up with dances. - Totally could be used as a workout tool! There are some drawbacks however. Most of them though aren't big enough to not use the game for us. More like, hey game makers, improve the game a bit! Cons for us: - Although there is a variety of music, it's not top 10 Pop music. A deal with Now That's What I Call Music would be good. Certainly there's a lack of HipHop, R& B, Rap, etc. You basically have to go through the whole Katy Perry discography before you advance. - Some of the dances have awkward choreography. (Think of the whitest, white man that can't dance that you know...and him *trying* to do the Carlton dance from Fresh Prince.) Some of that is great for fun and comedic value; for me there was too much. The wiki on this game says it was designed to give the average person some moves when they go out....but honesty, I doubt it's being used for that purpose. If so, they're gonna need different moves. I'd say it's time for a new focus group. - We want more HipHop. But choreographed by a HipHop expert....not a general dance person. - Why do you have to level up to unlock Skin tones? Um No. Not okay. Also, Why are all the dancers in the graphics displayed as white? Come on.... - Many of the games do have sexually suggestive moves. I'm listing this as a con since I'm not personally *totally* comfortable with my young girls moving like this. But, I also recognize part of that is my own biases and upbringing. Americans tend to be a bit prudish in this regard. And, there is a wide variance of acceptable movement among cultures. I want to raise sexually healthy humans. Shaming/ skipping parts doesn't aid in that goal I believe. For our family, some of the dances warrant a discussion, analyzing, and learning about why those movements may feel more natural or less sexual in other cultures. If you're super conservative, religious, or have strong feelings about sexual movements, you should preview. - There's a weird doll thing going on with almost all of the female dances. It feels a bit like Japanese dolls. And, also a bit sexist/ toxic male. AKA, my 9 year old pointed out that the version where you play against people world wide all the positive votes were for the dances with sexy women. - I wish the game had an 'expert' level (perhaps the paid subscription has more complex dances.) - Single player mode should allow for holding both controllers. - Some of the dances seem right arm heavy. (Perhaps using both controllers would help aid in better left arm usage.) I plan to use this game to add in a mix to my workout routine, but I want to make sure that other half of my body isn't lacking. **I went back and looked up where/why this game was made as I suspected it wasn't in the US based on the choreography. It was developed in Paris & Milan which I think helps explain differences in movements and sexual comfort levels. I'd love a US version with a little less doll aesthetic for the women, more gender diversity,
















在我个人看来,我觉得这个游戏非常有趣,一个方便的方式运动。朗朗上口的歌曲,有趣的舞步,等等。但是,我一直在阅读其他家长评论说这场比赛是“oversexualized。”I really just wanted to point out that if there is a movement or dance step that you really aren't comfortable with doing, there's nothing stopping you from simply skipping that step. The only thing that will happen will be a slight decrease in points. But overall I really love Just Dance and will continue to play their games in the future!


只是舞蹈疙瘩回到E10 +这个游戏(去年的游戏被评为普通老E),通常保持舒适的边界内部评级。最“不恰当”的歌词(亵渎性内容,药物/酒精等)完全是被忽视的。然而,仍然有几首歌,父母可能想跳过:“坏人”比利Eilish包含歌词“让你女朋友生气类型/可能引诱你爸爸类型”和“我喜欢它,当你控制/即使你知道你不自己的我,我会让你扮演的角色/我做你的动物。”"God is a woman" by Ariana Grande contains numerous sexual allusions and is probably the most sexually forward song in the game; "You love it how I move you/You love it how I touch you", "I'm telling you the way I like it, how I want it", "Baby, lay me down and let's pray". A "Kids Mode" is available for very young players, free of any objectionable content.

