




电影 R 1982年 115分钟









这部电影是在德国16年以上。不管怎样,这个评级很可能因为暴力肉搏的显示,包括血液、一些身体部位的戈尔和解体。裸体是在欧洲比在美国更轻松。后者的显示仍然是相当软,你可能会看到一些裸体的乳房一些额外女演员,听到一些抱怨,但仅此而已。这不是小孩子的电影,但它是好的青少年在我的眼睛。我认为德国的评级过于严厉。早在80年代,当我长大了我看这部电影时,可能十年一起与朋友和哥哥,我非常着迷。当时没有那么多比今天保姆和孩子没有像今天那么娇生惯养。我们仍然没有成为大屠杀的凶手或精神病患者,尽管看这种幻想电影在80年代。在我看来这部电影是好的12岁。 Maybe watch it the first time together with your kids and comment some of the scenes and it's no problem at all. Concerning role models, well Conan is a man, who forges his own destiny, despite all the hardship of his world. I consider this to be a good and strong message, instead of being a victim of unfortunate circumstances. There are even side actors, who try to convince Conan, not to follow his path of revenge for the murder of his entire family and village any further, but instead he should live a peaceful live and enjoy the things he's got so far. So there is dissent even among the group of heroes, which show other ways of life. Of course Conan doesn't listen, but he's got to pay a dear price for this, which is also educational in some kind of way, since he almost dies, when he tries to take revenge all alone and later his beloved female companion Valeria will die eventually. If you live by the sword, you (or others, beloved ones) might die by the sword... The female companion Valeria is by the way another example of a strong, independent female role model. So this movie really doesn't turn out to be that flat as others make it to be. Anyway there is reason why this movie has got cult status. The soundtrack is also really great. Movies like this don't exist anymore and I'm happy to watch it together with my son as soon as he's got the proper age for it, which is 12 in my opinion.




柯南是一个野蛮人。他自私,他的性别歧视,他残酷的自我服务和他的道德和前景。暴力和性正处于一个非常成熟的水平,但这里的主题是值得谈论在任何年龄。首先,这部电影是一个非常适应北欧柯南的书。染色的羊毛球迷的书经常会赞美了基调,暴力和描述但哀叹柯南的自由和变化的故事。破坏者可能效仿。这是一个复仇的故事,纯粹而简单。柯南手表村路由和家人被邪教领袖。他和其他孩子一起,捕获和提高坑战士对贵族的娱乐。柯南是一个冠军,并阅读和写作教他作为奖励,加上作为种畜。 His handler decides that it is time to let him go. He had been chained too long and needed freedom. Conan embarks on a journey that takes him to a town where he has the opportunity to rob riches from a cult’s place of worship. He realises it is the same cult that wiped out his village and a mission of revenge begins. It’s atmospheric, serious and gritty. Blood, breasts and unflinching brutality throughout compliment a simple yet compellingly strong story of a man with a goal, who also harbours regret and dismay. So, the themes are interesting. Is this crusade for just himself or the greater good? Throughout the film peasants and wise men confuse his vendetta as trying to vanquish the cult for the good of the people, but it is apparently purely revenge that fuels him and he couldn’t care less about most people. That said, he agrees to rescue the daughter of a king from the cult. Yes, he uses her as bait in a final confrontation and that makes sense, she’s become something to exploit, but then instead of leaving her as a used tool, he actually carries her back to her family at the end. So was it all purely revenge? Did he feel pity as her situation was similar to his? Was it just for a reward? It’s something not vocalised but left to the viewer to figure out. Conan ponders a lot, and there’s no voice over to say what he’s thinking. He also struggles with his ideology vs the cult leader’s. What is stronger? The steel sword, or the hand that wields it? Film is subjective, you can see these things and appreciate them as the director himself wished or dismiss it as gory sword and sorcery. It’s a well made film, acted satisfactorily (Bergman won a Golden Globe), and has terrific fight choreography.



使用脚本由奥利弗·斯通,这促使了渴望比很多更严重的意图与长期漫画改编作品的电影,但它很笨重。罗伯特·e·霍华德的敏捷散文相比,这块地尽职尽责地跺从A点到B点没有太多惊喜和弯路。邪恶的末日Thulsa (messianic-suicide崇拜可能一些磕碰的有组织的宗教)非常不做,即使平凡的魔力,和sword-battle场景是在平坦,简洁时尚。






