







电影 R 2021年 90分钟









2将呼吸没有你在你的座位的边缘,整个时间。毫无疑问,但这是由于它利用图形和令人不安的暴力。暴力:严重的女人突然窒息对她坐在一辆车在用锤子猛击的脸前,血液飞溅在windows和表面和屈服她的头。这是迅速和强烈的场景,所以图形暴力的镜头是有限的。一只狗被杀幕后。一个人阻碍另一个人对酒吧在一个窗口中,刺穿了攻击者。清洁的血腥,伤口。2男性与残酷的冲孔,抨击与硬物体,砸对橱柜和地板上。满是血污的脸伤口之前显示一个引发瓦斯爆炸造成的其中一人飞回来,靠墙粉碎。他的烧焦的尸体后显示。 A young girl is in constant peril, including situations of drowning, electrocution, forced heart removal, drugging, fires, heights and more. A man is suddenly grabbed before we see him with his nose and mouth glued shut and is struggling to breath. Because of this, another man grabs a sharp tool and stabs into the mans cheek in graphic detail before he starts breathing out of the cheek hole and cuts his glued mouth open, causing blood to spill out of his mouth. A man is attacked and beaten to the ground. A man is stabbed through the foot with a pitch fork, has it torn out then is stabbed in the facial area with it before being brutally pulped with a shovel. He is shown swinging it up and down, and we see an up close shot of the mans face being caved in and disfigured by the beating while in progress. The killer is shown splattered with blood, and the disturbing corpse is shown later on with his caved in head visible. A house is burned down, and a man jumps out the window, lands on a greenhouse, falls through the glass of the greenhouse and crashes out of another window onto the ground. No injury shown, but he is seen visibly distressed. Two men fight with brutal punches. A hammer is used in the fight and the one man throws the hammer at the other, smashing into his face and sending him to the ground. After, the one man lifts the hammer up from his face and slams it down, cutting to another scene and implying he smashed in the other mans face. 3 men are shot dead with a gun. This is pretty quick, and less graphic than other scenes in the film. Two men fight with their fists and knives. Both fight in a dim, foggy environment and they both slice each other with their blades in up close, bloody shots. At the end of the fight, one of the men are strangled up against a wall and have their eyes slowly gauged out onscreen. The camera doesn’t cut away, and this is quite prolonged and extremely graphic and disturbing. Blood seeps and sprays from both eyes before his eyeless corpse falls to the ground. Later on, the same man stabs the other again through the stomach with a long blade, before the other is stabbed through the chest with a machete. This is the bloodiest, goriest and most graphic scene in the film, not for the faint of heart. During the above sequence, a woman is shot accidentally and dies while handcuffed to a young girl. Due to this, the dead woman and girl dangle from a high point, and the girl is forced to slowly hack the woman’s arm off with a machete. This is up close and extremely gory. LANGUAGE: MODERATE 21 uses of “f*ck” including “motherf*cker” and some use of “sh*t” along with milder profanity. DRUG CONTENT: MILD Reference to meth, meth labs and drugs. A meth lab is briefly shown with a beaker on a table. Absolutely no graphic drug use. OVERALL: 13+ for strong grisly violence, language




现在我们都知道“不要呼吸”是一个打击!它给了我们所有的悬念和震惊的因素我们需要一个伟大的故事,情节和人物。我代表我们剩下90%的人看了电影想要更多!最后的第一部电影让我们所有人感到像一个续集来了。我们都已经投入的故事情节和人物我们想知道它会继续下去。“别呼吸2”在我们的希望完全让我们失望。虽然好电影主要放下我们所有正在等待续集。第一个电影是好他们不需要想出一个完全不同的情节。我们想要的生活,等待它捡起了更多的强度。相反,我们有6年后无关。 We were forced to forget about the hit original movie that had us all stunned, satisfied and wanting more. Little miss Grace played her role extremely well but perhaps a role related to the first movie would of done so much more better and had been so much more satisfying. She could of been the daughter of his “turkey baster” fertilization that he would return to capture in replace of his daughter who was taken from him in a car crash. Hunting down the original persons who escaped his house robbery the first time around. As a dedicated fan the first movie wasn’t broke so why fix it with a new sequel unrelated. Totally disappointed in the idea not to string the two movies together. I will say the movie was not too bad but the first “Don’t Breathe” was so much better. They should of taken the sequel movie and made it an unrelated independent movie under a different name and pretenses. Still faithfully waiting for a sequel to the original. Let’s pick up where the movie left off first time around that had us all hooked.



这种把原电影的续集,致命的盲人到主角,有一些灵巧的,强烈的序列,但其荒谬的恶棍和扭曲的道德罗盘最终沉没。由Rodo Sayagues的,编剧原创不呼吸改造,过于血腥不呼吸2是最好的猫捉老鼠的元素,比如凤凰巧妙地避开入侵者,创建改道,争相涌入可能藏匿的地方——甚至挂的楼梯的边缘。另一个序列在一个陌生的地下室,诺曼水管破裂后获得的优势包括地板上晃动的水。第三次发生危险接近空游泳池的边缘。





