Parent reviews for Everything Everywhere All at Once

Everything Everywhere All at Once Movie Poster

Common Sense says

age 15+

Based on ourexpert review

Parents say

age 15+

Based on16 reviews

Kids say

age 14+

Based on28 reviews

age 14+

Truly amazing movie, but not appropriate for children.

This is one of the best movies I have ever seen, delightfully smart and funny, with a perfect amount of energizing and cleverly choreographed Kung Fu moments. However, when considering whether or not it is an appropriate movie for kids, I think some of the other reviews I’ve read are misleading. I watched it with my 14-year-old, and I don’t regret doing so, however, you really do have to be prepared to have conversations about sex toys and sexual preferences, and how they fit in this movie as a comedic element. They are featured quite heavily in a couple of the fight sequences , regardless of the complete lack of actual sex scenes.

This title has:

Great messages
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age 18+

Bloody sex toys as weapons?

Think foot long bloody sex toys being used to kill a security guard and violent (meant to be comical) anal penetration during a fight scene. This movie is meant to take a comedic approach but it was unexpectedly graphic at times. Some BDSM (ball gag etc) references as well. The acting was great, the multiverse theme was very creative but overall it was excessive and gratuitous. The feel good family reconciliation in the end and ‘nothing matters except your own happiness’ finale fell flat. Every review I read was glowing, and I love Michelle Yeoh but I genuinely contemplated leaving before the end of the movie. Important to note there are mature sexual themes relating to violence, not my cup of tea.

This title has:

Too much violence
Too much sex
5 people found this helpful.
age 18+


You need to be 18+ to enter a sex toy shop but why is this PG? you should put exactly what people will see in this movie beside the PG like this : PG (includes large male dildos). The dildos are everywhere in this movie. I would not recommend this movie at all.

This title has:

Too much sex
3 people found this helpful.
age 18+

Rated R for a reason

I see a lot of comments saying this movie should be rated pg-13 , and I really disagree. I saw it as an 18 year old and think it would be really awkward to watch it with kids or your parents . I always ask myself when writing a review “would I watch this with my parents?” And the answer is definitely no. Really good movie for a girls night out or a dudes night out though. It’s definitely the best movie I’ve seen in years.

This title has:

Great messages
Great role models
3 people found this helpful.
age 18+

Should be NC-17, or better yet, NC-99

Arguably the worst movie I’ve ever sat through until the end. Not for kids, nor most adults. This reminds me of how, before the rise of the internet, there would be these arthouse movies that were porn in all but name but they would make themselves “serious” but having the lovers come to a miserable end. Here, nonsense and shock gore are made respectable by some concluding ideas about family and the meaning of life. Except for a definitive hint that things aren’t what they seem, this movie starts as a slightly stereotypical depiction of Chinese immigrant family (e.g., first generation immigrant mom/grandmother is oppressively uptight and a misery to offspring). There are, however, moments of beyond the predictable with sly humor about Chinese families that had me smiling and my Chinese ex being the only one in the theater actually laughing out loud. Then the connections between universes start coming out, leading to serious opportunities for comedy, especially given what characters have to do to bridge realities. Then the movie slides into an increasingly gory and psychedelic multiversal fight sequence that takes up most of the rest of the film. Occasionally, this is funny, like the aside when the two rocks talk to each other about the meaning of life, but it’s mainly nauseating and ultimately really really boring. Some of it is at first genuinely shocking (not in a good way), like someone abruptly stapling a piece of paper to their forehead, after which there is a little pause before another “Eew!” But it then degenerates into mind-numbing tedium. I stopped caring when someone dressed in a ridiculous music video outfit video beats a person to a pulp with sex toys (that you see dripping with blood). That in another scene someone’s privates were digitally blurred --- I think some people who use this site would feel slimed just describing what it’s about --- suggests that the filmmakers did the absolute minimum to avoid a NC-17 rating. It very quickly gets past the point of shock and disgust and morphs into wondering about why a studio head would green light a screenplay and pity for the actors for humiliating themselves so. As for swearing, yes, there’s a fair bit, but that’s the least of your worries, and it won’t be as bad as what goes through your own head by the time you get to the ending. Yeah, the ending. You think, “Finally, this is putting me out of my misery.” But no! Fake! There’s another ending. And another! And another! I lost count. One even had credits. And they don’t add anything. They’re really just variations of each other. The final one is pretty good, which just adds to the disgust because it makes it clear that the people making this are talented, they just went way out of their way to make something horribly preposterously awful.

This title has:

Too much violence
2 people found this helpful.

TW: A lot of vomit-ing. Otherwise great.

TW: barfing I’m literally watching this movie still and made an account just to write this for people who do not like seeing people getting sick on screen. This movie is exactly what I wanted it to be, and I like it a lot, BUT THE BARFING Is too much for me. I’m watching it through my fingers sometimes. I also get light induced migraines so I am used to watching through my fingers. I expected that.
2 people found this helpful.
age 2+

Great movie

I loved the movie!! A lot of people rated this too high so I’m balancing that out. Best movie of the year!

This title has:

Educational value
Great messages
1 person found this helpful.
age 18+

Extreme graphic violence

No way would I allow this for my kids even if they think they can handle it. Unless I want to scar them. The dildos and killings are too graphic. The extreme violence was unnecessary and took away from the story and I love this genre but the violence took it too far. Farther than I’ve seen in this genre. The implied violence was bad as well. Blood dripping. Face slashed. Psychological terror. I didn’t find too much comedy. I’m trying to return the Amazon streaming purchase and likely won’t be able to. I’ll give it another chance because of Michelle Yeoh but never with my kids.

This title has:

Too much violence
1 person found this helpful.
age 18+

Waist of time!

Awful! Mindless violence, mindless sexual references, mindless dialogue etc. One of the worst movies I have watched in a long time!
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age 15+