




电影 R 2021年 114分钟









这部电影与好莱坞现在的一切是错误的。关于电影我所有的怨言。它是最出色的风格在物质和表述行为的行动。感觉约翰Franken-baby灯芯和河谷。这部电影让我打破我最大的问题。剧透低于1。女权主义——我的问题不在于这部电影是女权主义者,那就是它认为它的观众是如此愚蠢,它需要俱乐部我们举过头顶。所有的好人都是女孩和所有的坏人都是男性。我认为最好的例子这是恶棍暴虐的动机。整个电影我们知道他的疯狂,因为主角,山姆,杀死了他的儿子。 This is already an understandable villain motive. It doesn't need any more context really. But the movie adds the context that the villain feels like an alien among his wife and daughters and his son was the only one he could relate to because of their shared manliness. So now the villain is sexist, but it's just shoe-horned in. It's not built up at all, he just goes on a sexist rant about his annoying wife and daughters randomly. 2. Hide your gays trope- Now I could be off-base on this one, but I think they were hinting at a romance between two of the library women. However, we don't see it in screen. If this was an implied romance it definitely falls under the same criticism that J.K Rowling and other writers have received for having gay characters but being too afraid to actually show their love. If you want to have gay characters don't cloak it in this mystery like it's a dirty little secret. 3. The costuming- Ok, I'm being a bit petty with this one, but there is a large amount of screen time where Sam wheres this huge hat and a trench coat with a popped collar. It's so cartoonish. It looks like something Mary Kate and Ashley would've worn on their mystery series. On this vein is also the fact that she never puts her wisps into her ponytail and the bowling jacket. Of course female action hero has to make impractical decisions just to look cute. 4. Acting- I hate to say this. It genuinely hurts me. I'm a huge Dr. Who fan. But Karen Gillan just isn't pulling it off for me. She comes across kind of flat. She's trying to go for the quiet intensity of John Wick (I can't stress enough how much this movie "borrows" from him), but it just doesn't work for me. 5. The writing- So my main issue is the writing. This movie is so badly written. It makes no sense. So much conflict takes place off screen and then is just explained (Sam's father dying, Sam's mom getting revenge on her father's killer). I could go through this movie beat by beat and explain why every single plot point does not make sense. The very first scenes of the film set up that the mom has to go on the run because she has killed the man who killed Sam's father and now there are people coming after her. But, she kills the man's son and all his henchmen in the diner at the start. So whose coming after her now? They also set up that you can't have weapons in the diner, similar to the continental in John Wick. In this movie though it is just so clear that this isn't enforced at all. Right at the start the diner girl asks a guy to surrender his weapons and he just pushes her aside and goes in anyway. So why does anyone hand their guns over? Conflicts also just resolve themselves. Like, the robbers all just kill each other conveniently. When she kills the little girl's dad she shoots him for reaching for his phone but then just lets him answer it? Everyone just forgives each other for conflicts in seconds. She forgives her mom, the library women forgive her mom, the little girl forgives her, and there's barely any struggle to get there. The assassin league that's set up to be so dangerous and powerful is taken down by Sam simply threatening Victor who has many times made it clear he has no power in the organization. It just... it makes no sense. 6. Action- I'll end here. I have more points but this is already too long. The action sucks. Bad guys attack one at a time or stupidly split up. People shoot point blank and miss the protagonists constantly. Things like metal trays block bullets. The hospital fight scene require such a suspension of disbelief you have to believe the movie is taking place in a parallel dimension where magic exists. In lots of the fight scenes you can count the beats. It's a mess. To conclude, this movie is terrible. Please Netflix, I'm begging you, there are so many talented writers and directors out there clamoring for a shot. You have the power to make GOOD movies, so use it.








尽管星光熠熠的演出班底——包括巨头如巴,杨紫琼,古奇诺饰,哈迪和-吉亚玛——电影比物质更关注风格。绕回到约翰芯比较,特许经营也充满浮华和魅力在疯狂杀戮,但感伤的电影拥有更多的线程火药奶昔。例子:艾米丽,萨姆是保护的女孩,不为她父亲的死亡对观众内化足够长的时间她的痛苦和损失。相反,她也没有足够的时间来哀悼由于行动,或她的情绪状态不够视为重要的脚本。和她后来合理化的情况下导致她父亲的死亡也感觉太方便情节。科尔曼说,在这样一份好工作线听起来令人信服。同时,杨紫琼、古奇诺饰和巴在表演,从通行的(杨紫琼,古奇诺饰)到笨重的(巴,唉)。也许是演员没有足够描述门闩上,因为我们知道他们可以采取行动。山姆,吉兰不够有魅力在她的角色找到乐趣。她木性能很难保持兴趣山姆的旅程从恶棍到平凡的主角。最终,最令人信服的演员是-吉亚玛,他似乎总是能够将令人信服的表演甚至最滑稽的电影。 With fewer scenes than any of the major characters, his character, Nathan, is the only one who truly grounds viewers in this zany world of libraries full of guns, assassin diners, and mysterious criminal firms. Overall,火药奶昔似乎更感兴趣的是豪华娱乐观众。





