





我进入这个最大的问题是,这就像第五房地产。那部电影有一些伟大的表演,但是它缺乏重点和方向尖叫“为电视。”杀死信使has the same problem for about the first four minutes. The title sequences are overt and the music is like something from a Lifetime movie, but then the direction becomes subtle and brisk. The pacing is picks up around the 20-minute mark and becomes strong, and the script is surprisingly objective, mostly refraining from vilifying or deifying Gary Webb. They say in the film that truth isn't a black or white issue, and they actual stick to that school of thought. It's only the final ten minutes or so that decide that Webb is an amazing person. It's not that saying that is necessarily a bad thing, but the sudden change in voice is a bit noticeable. The acting, however, is solid throughout. Jeremy Renner is terrific and is given far more to do than any of his work in the Marvel movies. It's not like I would say his performance is on the level of Philip Seymour Hoffman in A Most Wanted Man earlier this year (their subject matters and characters are somewhat similar, allowing comparisons), but I hope that he follows through with more roles like this in the future. And regarding the rest of the cast, I'm surprisingly that even they're good. Even the teenage son is good, and the father-son relationship doesn't seem contrived. Mary Elizabeth Winstead is great as always. Despite the film's occasionally inconsistent narrative, this is surprisingly good. It seems to be elevated a fair amount by its cast, but the direction is far above something like The Fifth Estate. There are some bits shown in the film that don't seem to do much and the final minute seems to rely on text screens and archival footage to wrap up plot points, but I still found myself invested. 7.5/10, good, one thumb up, above average, etc.

