




电影 R 2021年 131分钟









人们走在错误的期望寻找前两个电影的“智慧”。这部电影是一个优秀的复述历史的一战。在场景中的细节Gavilo普林西普,我知道我们都在。首先,在维基百科上看他。看看这幅画。演员钉。第二,发生了刺杀Archiduke费迪南德几乎完全描绘——投掷炸弹,错过但炸毁后面的那辆车,公爵逃去市政厅和给他们一个演讲和尝试他的想法,然后他的车让一个错误的把摊位面前的普林西普立即拍摄公爵和他的妻子。这部电影或多或少地显示所有的轻微的调整以适应复述。拉斯普京在现实生活中是一个疯狂的电影,描述的更疯狂。儿子的场景几乎死去,拉斯普京控制似乎医治他的沙皇和他的妻子也在。 Again, check out photos of the real Rasputin. The movie nailed it. This film gives reasons behind these events that are obscured by history. No one knows if Princip and the Young Bosnians were controlled by state actors or someone else. No one knows how Rasputin healed the Tsar’s son (he actually had hemophilia) repeatedly. It’s true that he held major influence over the Tsar due to his unique (perceived) ability to heal the boy. The movie gives reasons (man in shadows using agents to cause war) It’s also true that if someone in the shadows wanted Germany to win the war they would’ve needed to: 1- get Russia to pull out, and 2- keep the US out. The movie shows this. The movie mentions the downing of an ocean liner by German u-boats provoking the US. This really happened: it was the Lusitania. The movie villain’ s solution was to convince Germany to send a telegram to Mexico asking them to invade the US. This also happened! Rasputin really did play a role in Tsar Nicolas’s downfall, and was killed in a manner very similar to what was shown. He was invited to a dinner party where first he was poisoned, but the poison did not have any effect. Then he was attacked and eventually shot. His attackers thought he was dead but he later leapt up and ran out. They chased him, shot him again and dumped him in a river. Of course he was no master fighter in real life, but for the movie to nail those details was impressive! This British really did intercept and decipher the German message to Mexico, as shown in the movie. The US didn’t believe the interception was real at first, also shown in the movie. To weave all this together with two fictional behind-the-scenes forces tugging the strings in spy proxi battle was far more enjoyable than the fight scenes themselves. The son, Conrad, getting the white feather treatment for not going to war… that happened! Young women would give white feathers to young man that hadn’t joined the war and would call them cowards. The feeling he had of wanting to go to war - that was the mood of the era. That was before anyone knew what war really was like. The movie gives Conrad a taste of the war and he falls apart regretting ever going there. He realizes he had serious misconceptions of what war truly was. The movie failed to capture the horror of life on the frontline but tried in brief snippets to give a sense of it. Here, also, the movie conflicts itself. Conrad realizes his error all too late and dies. The message from his story was the lesson of that generation, which his father captured in the poem he read during the funeral, ending with the line: To children ardent for some desperate glory, The old Lie: Dulce et decorum est Pro patria mori. That is, the glorification of war is a lie. The phrase “it is sweet and fitting to die for one’s country” is a lie. You would think the Duke took that message to heart and would stick to his pasifism after that. But after crying for a while, one visit from the king and he’s back up and fighting for king and country. Anyway, other than the thematic slip up, this movie was a fantastic historical fiction retelling of WWI. The movie even has Stalin and the revolution finally take Russia out of the war, and the grisly end to the Tsar and his family. If you don’t know all the history, check out Dan Carlin’s Blueprint for Armageddon series. It’s a long podcast but it will give you an entertaining background of WWI. In fact, this movie hits so many of the beats from that series that I wouldn’t be surprised to hear that the director based the story in part on that very series. Anyone who enjoyed that podcast will get a kick out of this movie. Listen to it, then watch the movie again and you will see it totally differently.





尽管聪明,history-subverting想法和一些伟大的行动序列,这太长的,主要是不必要的前传到处枷,假装谴责暴力但实际上欣欣向荣。导演兼编剧,像它的前辈马修·沃恩,王的男人故事曲折其实是聪明的傻,把历史和周围旋转,阿甘风格,一些新的东西。例如,汤姆荷兰人Kaiser Wilhelm饰演国王乔治,沙皇尼古拉斯,他都是——嗯——表亲。列宁和玛塔·哈里也出现约混合,是一个完全不可预测的产物他和那些Rasputin借一些能量的电影,特别是他的芭蕾舞战斗场景在一个奢华的圣诞球。






