





狼人在是最有趣的电影之一。这喜悦和刺激观众,欢闹,神奇的表演。它讲述的故事一个新的森林护林员,山姆·理查森报告义务的怪异,然而美妙的Beaverfield镇。他面对的任务处理谋杀案,暴风雪,很奇怪的邻居,我最喜欢的一个故事。我唯一的抱怨电影是没有足够的。我将让你知道,有一个像样的暴力,但它不妨碍我享受电影。有很多枪支暴力,经常以身体弹孔和死亡。有一个特定的场景,一个角色是击中头部,留下飞溅的血在窗户上。这个场景从很远的地方,但它仍然是非常残酷的。还有另一个令人不安的暴力场景,实际发生之前,导致一个字符被一辆汽车碾过,有很多血从车下。 These are only a couple examples of brutality in this horror-comedy, but you can expect this kind of stuff throughout the movie. The film also embodies tons of language, but nothing your kid hasn’t heard before. It goes all the way up to the F-Bomb but doesn’t go past that. It can be used as a suggestive term, making it the most you have to worry about in terms of profanity. There is also some innuendo and edgy dialogue, but it is very infrequent. It tends to happen in very small bursts, and is normally pretty mature when it happens. You probably won’t even hear these conversations, considering that they are almost always in the background or entirely inaudible. For example, there is a part of the film where a bunch of people are huddled together gossiping about how the town pervert cheated on his wife. I didn’t find it to be too bad, considering that I never payed attention to these types of conversations. This is the most you will have to worry about while watching this movie, aside from the fact that characters crack open a beer every once in a while, but most children have seen adults drink alcohol before. Overall, the movie is amazing. Even though the movie contains multitudes of mature content, comedy almost constantly overwhelms it. It has grown-up material, but it’s goofy at heart and is something that any tween can handle. I would say that the age rating for this movie is 12 years old. I watched the movie at the age of 10, and I was fine after I finished the picture. It was the first R-Rated film I ever saw, and was very tame for a movie Common Sense rates 15 and up. I’m not sure if it deserves the 15 and up rating in my book, but would push the envelope for a PG-13 movie. Werewolves Within is phenomenal.



很棒的电影! ! !


