




像....如何? ! ? ! ? !

年龄3 +


所以我采取了一些时间重新考虑火灾的早期在夏天,也不像我以为的那么糟。因此我用一个不那么剧烈的咆哮这个节目和一个新的列表。所以,让和走。优点1。这个节目是第一个赛季最好的季节,尤其是破碎机领域使真正的喜剧黄金时刻,感觉更像破碎机的成功的动力是合理的。2。诺兰北(表示大火)对各种东西的工作原理很感兴趣,是* *特定部分是如何命名的,如起重机稳定支撑。另外,人感到平易(尽管他包含在一个M级游戏…)3。第一季(第二),也许有香肠。 What do I mean? A 'banger' is a song that slaps hard in your mind and gets stuck there for years on end. "Wind Power," "Force," "Blaze On," and "Acceleration" were some of my personal favorites, and others like "Currents" and "Trajectory" were okay-ish. 4. Blaze and Crusher are really balanced. Crusher has more raw speed than blaze, given his engine is larger than Blaze's, (he do be a big rig, btw) and this is balanced by Blaze being more aerodynamic and the still unfair ability to give a temporary speed increase with Blazing Speed. 5. Although I want to see more episodes where Crusher and Blaze interact, there should also be a handful of episodes where Crusher could also get the dub instead of Blaze. This way, it could teach children a lesson that you won't always win. Cons 1. What, you thought this was gonna be sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows everywhere for this show? Nope :] Starting with a real heavy-hitter, the quality took a huuuuuuuuuuuuuge nosedive in the first episode with the knights. 1a. This episode pissed me off. A trebuchet is a weird catapult that yeets things with a sling and a counterweight. It's pretty easy to understand, but no one told the episode producers that, as it acted more like a regular old catapult found in a yard sale for 50 cents. 2. The later seasons were super dumb. One of the new episodes was about a guy who used a ROCKET to grab everyone's TOOTHBRUSHES because he couldn't. Brush. His. TEETH. Bro what? "Yeah I'll just take everyone's toothbrushes and send 'em to infinity and beyond 'cause I can't brush my teeth >:]" This man over here actin' up over teeth. 3. It included one-shot characters who appeared once. ONCE. 4. Sans Undertale calling. He wants to know if you feel like having a bad time. 5. Actually I've got nothing. This show is still bad, and if you haven't finished this review by the time 4 minutes have passed, King Bob-Omb will show up to your house and find you, then proceeding to throw you to Brazil and/or explode. I'mma get sued by Lesley Gore. If she's still alive. g e t d u n k e d o n :] h e y t h i s i s s a n s c a l l i n g hello, hello, hello. it's sans calling. King Bob-Omb there yet? I'm bored 6. This is the end. Leave me alone >:[ 7. this is the secret ending. it's called the dedication ending. now go outside. please.


年龄2 +


可怕的显示。首先,性格火焰总是赢家。他是一个非常不真实,unflawed性格。他还通过作弊总是赢家。我的意思是,他极其制服不公平的好处,其他没有“汽车”。他拍“粉碎机”,也被称为“坏人”,骗子。除了大火能得到赞美。其次,人物的设计让我呕吐。为什么你让一切的车,只有2人,车不像,在这个过程中让他们超级难看。没有什么吸引人的设计。 Why do the cars have teeth? Why can they talk? Why are there only two cars with carseats and only 2 humans that are not car like that are made for both of them in the whole show? Why do the rest of the cars automatically drive themself? Next, the character Zeg is rude. This is more of a personal thing, but im autistic myself having aspergers and im really annoyed by how he talks. He talks like "zeg love pizza! zeg trap by big red block!" etc. And its really annoying. It feels like im being mocked and you might not get it if your not autistic, but I have issues with speech and it annoys me alot personally. In conclusion, Blaze and the Monster machines is a poorly written show with bad morals and a character that mocks people. Would I recommend it? No. Not at all.


嗯,我喜欢它。但有时我讨厌它。它只是火焰总是赢。M6 5岁的姐姐就想要破碎机赢一次。现在她几乎没有看到大火和怪物的机器。
年龄4 +




所以,我看过这个节目几几次。我不喜欢它。首先,主角,大火是一个伪君子。他所做的一切,他通常不会混乱了…他是可预测的……实际上每一集是可预测的。它总是一样的。大火还是什么,有时与朋友,破碎机,“坏人”的东西意味着,喜欢把东西从朋友,或奖杯,他们穿过障碍,然后检索项和每个人的幸福快乐的生活。现在,有一件事我必须要谈谈吗?破碎机。 Now, you know, monkey see monkey do. Crusher is your typical “whiny brat”. All he does is cry and cry about how much he wants [stolen item from friend] or [stolen trophy]. He also sets up traps. You know how kids learn from what they see? Yea. The learning experience is fine. Not good not bad. So, one pro about this show is the OST, or the sound track. This show has a really good sound track. I love rock music myself and the music is actually pretty dang good. At least in my opinion. So in conclusion? 2/10 This show is pretty bad. I hate blaze, he is a goody two shoes, crusher is a literal whiny brat, and it’s literally the same episode over and over again. But dang this show has good music.
年龄2 +











