Parent reviews for World's Toughest Race: Eco-Challenge Fiji

World's Toughest Race: Eco-Challenge Fiji Poster Image

Common Sense says

age 12+

Based on ourexpert review

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age 12+

Based on1 review

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age 12+

Good idea, lopsided rules and stupid ending

The premise is that teams from around the world are participating in a extreme race between competitors from many different countries. Unfortunately, the cameras follow essentially the American teams that are not necessarily up to the challenge and the Kiwi team that won the last the event 17 years before. Instead of showing the lead teams from other countries, we are left to watch the soap opera unfolds as the lesser teams fail. We don't get a chance to see how excellent athletes from other nations work as a team to conquer the what are obviously incredible challenges. Throughout the competition, the announcer stated that the teams are not to receive assistance. Many times during the competition we watched as teams failed and but for some minor assistance they could have carried on. But when the Kiwis, one of the team with an embedded cameraman failed near the end of the race, the organizers stepped in and made an exception and gave them a level of assistance afforded to no other competitor and and as a result gifted them the race. A very disappointing ending and an undeserved victory and as a result a poor message for your children.